The Purpose of Fear

Before we move forward on the purpose of fear, it’s important to have a somewhat universal definition for the word “fear.” As you can imagine, definitions for this word range widely. Here’s one in which I think we can all agree: “The likelihood of something unwelcome happening to you or a loved one.” This doesn’t…

The Gospel is Not Confusing?

“I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel.”  The Apostle Paul wrote these words to the believers in Galatia because they were being offered a distorted view of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ by false teachers. False teaching makes the…

There is a Literal Hell

Try as it will, the world has been unsuccessful in convincing people that there is no such place as Hell. Nobody likes to talk about this subject; even though it has been the subject of prose, paintings, songs, movies, and even comedy. Nevertheless, there is a literal hell A young woman once told me that…

Baptizing Infants is Not Biblical

Baptizing infants is not Biblical. The error stems from a lack of understanding of baptism in general. In the Book of Acts, we learn of three people that were saved and then baptized – the Ethiopian Eunuch (8:27), Lydia (16:14), and the Philippian Jailer (16:27). In each case, nothing happened after they were baptized. It…

Praying to Saints

There are numerous references to “saints” in the New Testament, none of which are used as a title for someone (Saint Peter or Saint James). Praying to saints or having any contact with the dead is prohibited in Scripture. In Paul’s salutation to the Philippian church, he references “saints”, but not in a manner that…